Employees Want Paychecks for Life: Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Lifetime Income

Employees Want Paychecks for Life: Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Lifetime Income

Annuities and similar products may help address retirement readiness in an aging workforce

People are living longer, which means they may need their retirement savings to last decades. As a result, nearly half (48%) of participants are concerned about outliving their retirement savings.1 Many Americans don’t know how to transform their savings into retirement income.

Guaranteed income offerings can help ease this concern by providing consistent, predictable payments for life. Research shows a majority of 401(k) participants (75%) are “very” or “somewhat” interested in putting some or all of their savings into a guaranteed income option2.

Employers are on board, too — 4 in 5 believe employees want guaranteed income products in their retirement plans3. However, with new retirement strategies come opportunities, uncertainty and risks. Here are some of the benefits and risks of in-plan guaranteed income.

What is Guaranteed Lifetime Income?

Think of it as a “paycheck for life.” Essentially, it is a retirement income strategy guaranteed every month once a 401(k) participant reaches retirement (generally speaking at 65 years old). These investment solutions are gaining in popularity because they are easy for employees to understand, which helps instill more confidence in their retirement outlook.

Retirement Income Hurdles

For decades, workplace plans have helped workers save, invest and accumulate as much as possible, yet few plans offered a decumulation strategy to provide a steady, predictable flow of retirement income.

Guaranteed income solutions aim to solve three primary participant concerns:

  1. Running out of money: The average American retiree could potentially outlive their savings by nearly 10 years 4. Guaranteed income products help address this risk by delivering a steady, predictable lifetime income stream.
  1. Reducing or eliminating early withdrawals: Taxes and penalties alone may not discourage participants from tapping into their retirement savings early. Guaranteed income products may be a deterrent, as pre-retirement withdrawals will notably reduce retirement income.

Key Benefits and Risks

As with any investment solution that has various pros and cons, guaranteed lifetime income is no different.

Advantages include:

  • Potential for increased retirement confidence because participants can more readily project their anticipated retirement income which can help them retire on time.
  • Enhancing motivation and desire to save because participants will know their real monthly payouts, which may prompt them to save more proactively to reach their goals.
  • It could help reduce employer healthcare costs since older employees may retire earlier and, thus, exit the health insurance plan.
  • This strategy may improve your company’s competitiveness, boosting recruiting and retention.

Disadvantages include:

  • Each guaranteed income contract is different and the terms need to be clearly understood.
  • Contracts may not be ported (moved from one employer to the next).
  • Participants must elect guaranteed income far in advance of retirement; this decision typically cannot be reversed.
  • Payouts may end when the participant dies.
  • Participants may incur additional costs.

Your Fiduciary Role

The SECURE Act and pending SECURE Act 2.0 were designed to help Americans save for retirement; and while the law and pending update seek to improve our retirement system, it can be hard to decode.

To boil it down, selecting a guaranteed income provider is still considered a fiduciary duty, so this should be done with care and diligence. Contact us for support.

Lifetime Income Illustrations

Another SECURE Act requirement goes into effect this year; lifetime income illustrations will begin appearing on participant statements. These projections may motivate your employees to save, or they could instill a sense of dread if the illustration paints a bleak picture. Either way, this may prompt some employees to knock on your door and ask questions about the company’s retirement plan.

How We Can Help

If you are curious about guaranteed income options or other ways to enhance your retirement plan, we can help. Whether you need plan assistance or help getting your employees on track toward retirement, we support our clients through every step of the journey.

Contact Information:



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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC. 

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.



Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.


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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.


Today’s workforce spans a variety of abilities, skills, experiences and cultural backgrounds that bring exceptional value. It is beneficial to understand and recognize these differences to achieve exceptional results. This remains true when offering, communicating and promoting your company’s retirement plan.

Raising Awareness

Thankfully, your retirement plan is no stranger to reporting. From participation rates, deferral percentages, asset allocation mixes, benchmarking analysis, investment reviews and other slice and dice metrics, retirement plan information is often shared based on your plan’s specific numbers and peer group comparison.
However, those calculations seldom include the lens of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Now all that is changing.

Expanding the Scope

Nearly two—thirds of plan sponsors have noticed an increased demand for retirement plans to align with DEI efforts.2 So, now is a good time for employers and retirement plan committee members to revisit and re—evaluate how their 401(k) plans align with the workplace climate.
Four primary areas to review your workplace retirement plan DEI may include:

● Participant cohorts: Participants save and accumulate assets differently. Take a look at your
company’s demographics to spot under savers (participation, deferral, asset allocation, etc.).
Then implement a targeted strategy to help all groups take advantage of the opportunities
offered by your plan.

● Committee composition: To foster a deeper understanding of your employees’ savings
experience, reassess and consider expanding the retirement plan committee to include a
representative structure that mirrors your workforce, potentially bringing greater insights that
enhance retirement savings.

● Investment offering: Consult with us for a review of your investment menu and discuss how a
DEI strategy could be reflected throughout your retirement plan’s investment offerings.

● Holistic mindset: For the majority of Americans, the workplace retirement plan is their primary
savings and accumulation vehicle for retirement. Employers and committee members should
address the current financial state of plan participants to ensure the diverse needs of their
workplace are being addressed. Boosting the financial wellbeing of plan participants can drive
the improvement of plan outcomes and allow all demographic groups to better engage with
the benefits offered to them.

Financial Wellness

DEI is an essential part of a financial wellness program. A financial wellness program’s purpose is to help employees improve their overall financial situation. The best way to do this is by gaining an understanding of the differences that may exist between diversity groups (e.g. age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities, sexual orientation, etc.), followed by viewing plan data to identify cohorts that could benefit from receiving additional resources. Sponsors can also use the data presented to look at demographic groups and see if they have different engagement levels in the plan.

One idea to address participation gaps is auto—enrollment. It is agnostic across all employees; it has been found that when auto—enrollment is implemented with Black, Latinx and White Americans, the participation rate remains 80% across the board.3 Interestingly, when given the same auto— enrollment default, everyone saves the same when they have access. This is one example of how employers can address a coverage issue and, if applicable, address a racial disparity within 401(k) plan participation.

Financial Education

Diversity can extend not only to different cultural groups but varying generations as well. As such, employers should offer financial education resources that appeal to the different learning preferences (and languages) of each cohort along with best way to communicate with them about retirement, all while working to improve experiences through effective DEI.
As the lifestyles and stages of employees evolve, so do their financial needs and priorities. For a retirement program to be successful, employers should take these changes into consideration.
One size doesn’t fit all. Plan sponsors should seek to employ a mix of communications — utilizing brochures, emails, videos, infographics, blog articles and online calculators — to get the message out to different demographics within the plan.

Next Steps

To get started with your DEI strategy, consider these best practices:

● Know your employees: Seek to understand their differing demographics and assess
participant behaviors from multiple perspectives.
● Talk with your service providers: Set up a meeting to learn what resources are readily
available (e.g. financial wellness programs, plan data, different language options,
● Communicate with purpose: Your communications should highlight your retirement
plan as a valuable benefit. Help your diverse workforce understand why it is
important to save and how your company is helping to promote retirement

Using DEI to guide plan decisions can help ensure your company’s retirement plan is working to positively impact the different cohorts of your employees. DEI used wisely can increase the retirement engagement and security of all.

2 Willis Towers Watson. “Moving the needle on defined contribution plans.” Willis Towers Watson. 27 May 2021.




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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

Guide to Understanding DOL Audits

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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

Do ESGs Fit Into Our Retirement Plan?

Do ESGs Fit Into Our Retirement Plan?

The value-driven workplace and its implications for retirement plans

 Your workplace may be evolving in many facets, from remote options to new generations coming into the workforce. These changes reflect those of the larger social climate and, in turn, employee priorities, values and expectations. Many professional and financial decisions are being influenced by these trends, as 53% of consumers are now “value-driven.”2

Some of the progressing values represent environmental, social and governance factors, known collectively as ESGs. These factors correspond to an array of investments that reflect a company’s interest in sustainability efforts; they can be offered to employees as part of their 401(k) lineup. ESG funds are becoming increasingly present, with nearly $20 billion in annual flows during 2020.3

● Environmental: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, climate change, renewable energy, energy
efficiency, waste management, etc.
● Social: human rights, labor standards, workplace health and safety, employee relations, diversity,
consumer protection, etc.
● Governance: board structure, size, diversity, skills and independence.

Companies frequently look to display their devotion to the environment around them and in the workplace, ranging from efforts like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within the workforce to issues regarding climate change.

Efforts that reflect a company’s commitments, like ESG investments and sustainable purposes, can project not only a positive brand image but also continually work to align company goals with investments and employer loyalties with employee values.

Four Types of Involvement

Now, don’t feel like you need to adjust your investment lineup right this moment. As a fiduciary, you have a duty to act in the best interest of the plan and its participants. ESG funds can also be considered at different levels of involvement. Before diving into sustainable investing, decide on which, if any, of the four approaches your investment lineup might want to take.4

ESG Integration is the most conservative option for firms entering the landscape. This approach considers ESG factors along with others when creating investment profiles, with the primary goal of achieving promising returns.

Exclusionary Investing entails the exclusion of certain companies or sectors that do not reflect a company’s sustainability values. An example would be not investing in the tobacco industry, as many have done in response to health concerns and the related environmental impact.

Inclusionary Investing focuses on actively seeking out ESG-centered entities to invest in as opposed to rejecting certain companies or sectors. 

Impact Investing is the most engaged strategy, where a company dedicates its investing practices to achieving a positive difference in an environmental or social arena in addition to producing returns for its employees.  

What Do You Believe In?

To get an idea of what sustainable topics you, your firm and your employees may resonate with and consider investing in, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can help.5 These goals “address the global challenges [the world] face[s], including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice”, and are the focus of many ESG funds.6

Examples of the SDGs:

● Gender Equality
● Affordable and Clean Energy
● Decent Work and Economic Growth
● Sustainable Cities and Communities
● Climate Action

Identifying your firm’s values and objectives can help reveal the best ways to align with those of current and future employees and learn how they want their benefits packages to be structured. 

Looking to the Future

As new generations enter the workforce, they expect diverse and sustainable portfolios. More than 85% of all investors now express interest in ESG investments, specifically those addressing global warming and climate change.7 This percentage increases with each younger generation - the future of the American workforce. Sustainability, the impact of plastic on the oceans and data fraud and theft are also top considerations for consumers interested in ESG fund investment.8

ESG funds may be a promising element of 401(k) investment lineups for plans, employers and employees in the coming years. Consider if and how they represent your firm and its employees, but more importantly, how they may or may not fulfill your fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of your plan and its participants.

As ESGs become more readily available and your company continues to evolve, we are here to help by discussing your options and identifying efforts that may help align your company with future goals and employee values.

2 “Sustainable Investing for a Sustainable Business.” New York Life Investments, 2019.

3 Hale, Jon. “Sustainable Funds U.S. Landscape Report.” Morningstar Direct, 10 Feb. 2021.

4 “New York Life Investments Guide to ESG Investing.” New York Life Investments, 2020.

5 “The 17 Goals | Sustainable Development.” United Nations, United Nations, 2015.

6 “Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals – United Nations Sustainable Development.” United Nations, United Nations, 2015.

7 “Sustainable Investing for a Sustainable Business.” New York Life Investments, 2019.

8 “Sustainable Investing for a Sustainable Business.” New York Life Investments, 2019.



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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

 This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

How to Prepare for a 401(k) Audit

If the term ”audit” makes you uncomfortable, anxious or even scared, you are not alone. Last year, the Department of Labor (DOL) closed 1,122 civil investigations with 754 (67%), resulting in fees, repayments or corrective actions.1 The agency collected over $3.12 billion in direct payments to plans, participants and beneficiaries. This represents a whopping 300% increase in just five years.2

From this perspective, you might think there is no chance that you’re walking out of an audit unscathed. However, the outlook is a little less bleak when you realize that in the US, there are nearly 722,000 retirement plans and only 1,122 escalated to investigation.

Instead of viewing the DOL as the boogey monster or fearing a 401(k) audit, let’s take a look at the utility behind audits, identify red flags and establish best practices to help demystify the process.

What is a 401(k) Audit?

Retirement plan audits are normal; in fact, they happen all the time. Generally speaking, a plan audit is the review of a company’s retirement plan with the primary objective of ensuring that it meets guidelines and regulations set by the DOL and IRS. For large companies with over 100 participants, audits are an annual occurrence, but small plans can also be under scrutiny if a red flag is raised.

What are Audit Red Flags?

The following red flags can prompt the DOL to take a closer look at your retirement plan.

Employee Complaints

Individual complaints from employees are a frequent source of DOL investigations. From a total of 171,863 inquiries from workers, 357 resulted in the opening of new investigations and more than half of all monetary recoveries relate to benefits of terminated vested participants of defined benefit plans.3 The simple lesson here is that plan sponsors must establish clear protocols for how participants can communicate questions or complaints about their benefits to the plan sponsor before filing complaints with the DOL. Quick and effective responses are critical.

DOL Enforcement Priorities

Examinations may also relate to enforcement priorities launched by the DOL. As of this publication, the agency “continues to focus its enforcement resources on areas that have the greatest impact on the protection of plan assets and participants' benefits.”4 Just like the old story about why a robber goes to a bank, this translates to the DOL likely focusing more on large plans because that’s where the money is.

Delinquent Contributions

Delinquent contributions are pursued as part of an ongoing national priority. These are easy pickings for the DOL and a clear violation of the most basic fiduciary standards. No employer should deduct contributions from employees’ wages and fail to contribute those deferrals to the plan without fear of significant and swiftly administered reprisals.

Plan sponsors are encouraged to review their Form 5500 and other records to spot trouble points, such as:

▪ Missed contributions
▪ Assets not held in trust
▪ Paying unreasonable compensation to service providers (conduct regular fee benchmarking
to avoid this)
▪ Paying expenses from the plan that are actually expenses of the employer (known as “settlor
expenses”. These costs include consulting services regarding plan design or plan

Other areas of interest include lost or missing participants, and, of course, the DOL often accepts referrals from other agencies such as the IRS. 

A Knock at the Door

If you happen to receive a notice from the DOL about an audit or an investigation, your response should be the same:

▪ Take a deep breath.
▪ Put your team together and choose a qualified primary contact person.
▪ Strongly consider engaging ERISA counsel. Expert help may avoid missteps and provide an
intermediary for difficult conversations.
▪ Consider requesting an extension of time to respond. Many initial deadlines can be short for
complex exams. Extensions, if reasonable, are routinely granted.
▪ Review all documents prior to production. Be ready to report any issues found.
▪ Deliver documents in a neat and organized fashion.
▪ Prepare employees for interviews. Treat it like a deposition. Caution them to take their time,
thoughtfully consider their responses and ask for clarification of any questions they do not
▪ Always be truthful and respectful.

 What Documents are Typically Requested?

The sheer volume of documents requested may at first seem overwhelming, but the requests will be for documents you should have readily available in your files. They include:

▪ Plan document, Investment Policy Statement, plan records of fees/expenses
▪ Form 5500, Summary Plan Description (SPD), Summary Material Modification (SMM), participant
fee disclosures and benefit statements
▪ Service provider contracts and fee disclosures
▪ Participant claims and benefits data
▪ Bonding and fiduciary liability insurance
▪ Fiduciary committee charters, committee meeting minutes and other records
▪ Organizational documents about your company and organizational charts
▪ More recently, cybersecurity practices

Stay Prepared

Whether you are subject to a routine audit or a red flag prompts an investigation, it is important to remember that fiduciary vigilance is key. The best preparation is to follow sound operational procedures every day and don’t fall behind.

1 Department of Labor. "Fact Sheet. EBSA Restores Over $3.1 Billion to Employee Benefit Plans, Participants and Beneficiaries." 2020.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Employee Benefits Security Administration. “Enforcement.” DOL.gov. Accessed 2021.



CURTIS S. FARRELL, CFP®, AIF® 949.455.0300 x222


ARAN SAHAGUN, CRPS® 949.455.0300 x210



Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.



Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

Get to Know Your Retirement Commitee

If you think you’re alone in managing your 401(k) plan, think again! A Retirement Plan Committee is a dedicated group that manages investment options, oversees retirement plan administration and provides fiduciary oversight and accountability.

In this two-minute video, learn who should be on your committee, how to formalize your team, how to oversee your plan and how a financial advisor can help!

CTA: Watch the Video



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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.


Americans are living longer than ever before. Life expectancy is now at 79 years old, and many employees will need to save enough to live 17+ years in retirement.1 How financially prepared are your employees to enter this next stage of life?

Saving more today can make a huge difference. Share this questionnaire with your employees so they can picture their retirement lifestyle and determine if they should be saving more today to live the future they desire.
CTA: Download the Questionnaire

 1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Vital Statistics Rapid Release.” CDC.gov. February 2021.

2 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Vital Statistics Rapid Release.” CDC.gov. February 2021.




949.455.0300 x222

949.455.0300 x210


Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

Who’s on Your Retirement Plan Committee?

Retirement plan committees are super important; they set the direction and priorities of the company’s retirement plan. These actions (or inactions) can have a huge impact on how successful employees are at preparing for retirement.

For some plan sponsors, overseeing an organization’s retirement plan can be an overwhelming and taxing exercise. Many companies recognize this and choose to establish groups to manage and make decisions about this important employee benefit. Retirement plan committees play an integral part in managing investment options for plan participants, providing fiduciary oversight and working toward the goal of plan success.

Who Needs a Retirement Plan Committee?

Although retirement plan committees aren’t a legal requirement, establishing one allows for a designated group to be tasked with plan management, investment decision-making and fiduciary responsibility.

 A retirement committee’s collective expertise can also better address the increasing complexity of governing rules and regulations that primarily stem from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which sets the minimum plan governance standards to provide protection for participants.1

Understanding Fiduciary Duty

A plan fiduciary must always act solely in the interest of the participants, although there is some confusion about who exactly the fiduciaries are. According to one study, nearly 1 out of 3 plan sponsors do not see themselves as plan fiduciaries,2 which is a big problem since a plan fiduciary can be held personally liable for restoring any losses to the plan.

 Retirement plan fiduciaries are either named in the plan document or considered as such based on the activities they perform. The primary responsibilities of fiduciaries are the:

  1. Duty to act prudently with the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances that a person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use.

  2. Duty of loyalty to manage the plan solely in the interest of participants and beneficiaries.

  3. Duty to diversify the plan's investment options to minimize the risk of large losses.

  4. Duty to follow plan documents to the extent that the plan terms are consistent with ERISA (rules and regulations that govern retirement plans).

Additionally, plan fiduciaries should avoid any conflicts of interest.3,4

Structuring a Retirement Plan Committee

Financial advisors can play a vital role in helping plan sponsors establish and maintain a retirement plan committee. In addition to providing financial investment expertise, they may give operational insight for the committee and recommend experts outside the company for additional support. A financial advisor may also provide education and guidance regarding fiduciary best practices, regardless of the size of your investment committee.

For many companies, the retirement plan committee will include the plan administrator, members from the company who have financial or benefits responsibility and additional members who provide needed experience.

Lawyers with ERISA expertise can help committees navigate regulation changes that affect retirement plans as well as provide protection from litigation exposure; approximately two-thirds of organizations that have legal counsel have counsel participate in committee meetings. However, only half of organizations with fewer than 1,000 plan participants have legal counsel, in contrast to the nearly 92% of organizations with more than 5,000 participants.5

 Legal expertise is particularly necessary, as in recent years retirement plans have experienced an uptick in legal challenges. In 2020 alone, there was a fivefold increase from the previous year in class action lawsuits challenging 401(k) plan fees.6

 Other committee members may include third party administrators (TPAs) to provide guidance on plan compliance, administration and related areas; recordkeepers that track plan participants, as well as investment and financial activity and the company’s accountant for bookkeeping oversight. Setting a meeting schedule is dependent on the size and complexity of the plan. Many retirement committees meet quarterly, but nearly 40 percent of small organizations meet semi-annually.7

Duties of a Retirement Plan Committee

After a retirement plan committee has been organized, a governing document is established to outline the responsibilities, procedures and processes to follow. Creating an investment policy statement is another key step that will help align the plan’s objectives and investment approach.8 The committee should consistently monitor the plan’s investment performance against benchmarks and also review adherence to compliance processes.

 In the 401(k) world, the process that led to your decision may be more critical than the decision itself. Documenting everything from committee meeting discussions to the rationale behind service provider selections to investment policies are all equally important.

Consistent employee communication is a cornerstone of any committee’s duty and should cover at a minimum, enrollment periods, contribution limits and matches and plan information and fees.

The success of a retirement plan committee can have a much greater impact than what meets the eye. While it may seem like an administrative obligation, the reality is that the members’ efforts are actually playing an active role in helping fellow employees pursue their retirement goals.

1 Department of Labor. “Employment Retirement Income Security Act.” DOL.gov.

2 AllianceBernstein. “Inside the Minds of Plan Sponsors: Fiduciary Awareness on the Rise.” alliancebernstein.com. 2020.

3 Department of Labor. “Fiduciary Responsibilities.” DOL.gov.

4 TIAA. “What it Means to be a Retirement Plan Fiduciary.” TIAA.org. 2020.

5 PSCA. “Retirement Plan Committees.” PSCA.org. April 2021.

6 “Bloomberg Law. “401(k) Fee Suits Flood Courts, Set for Fivefold Jump in 2020.” Bloomberglaw.com. August 2020.

7 PSCA. “Retirement Plan Committees.” PSCA.org. April 2021.

8 TIAA. “What it Means to be a Retirement Plan Fiduciary.” TIAA.org. 2020.



949.455.0300 x222

949.455.0300 x210


Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

YEAR-END WRAP-UP: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your Company’s Retirement Plan

With Cycle 3 deadlines fast approaching, now is a great time to review your retirement plan. Measuring your retirement plan’s data provides key information to help increase its competitiveness, which can be extremely helpful in today’s labor market.

Benchmarking is a way to determine your retirement plan’s effectiveness. As relevant data is gathered, you can compare your plan to others of a similar size in your industry. Comparing your plan regularly can help identify more opportunities for improvement.

CTA: Read the Guide



949.455.0300 x222

949.455.0300 x210


Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

The Tale of Two Economies: Promoting Workplace Benefits in a K-Shaped Economy

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, there are signs of recovery in the U.S. Millions of vaccines have been administered, businesses and offices are reopening and life is starting to look more like it did pre-pandemic.

All this is cause for optimism. Simultaneously, however, there’s abundant evidence that the pandemic has taken a financial toll on Americans, and it’s hit some harder than others. As the economy begins to bounce back, we are experiencing what is called a K-shaped recovery. When plotting the impact of an economic downturn, and its subsequent recovery, on a graph, a K shape is formed, showing some industries and demographics recovering quickly, while other stagnate and may sink further. More financially secure individuals are likely to be on the upward facing arm of the K, falling into the demographic that recovers quickly and continues to grow, while others, on the downward sloping leg of the K, struggle to make ends meet.

Your diverse workforce likely includes both. Chances are, some were even forced to put their retirement in jeopardy, stopping or reducing savings to meet more immediate financial needs.

The Pandemic Recovery Is Uneven

Why the term “K-shaped recovery”? Simply put, not everyone is experiencing recovery at the same pace. Individuals who were prepared for a financial emergency—those with savings or an emergency fund, for instance—fared better than those living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, some Americans were transformed into “super savers” within weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak. In fact, 52% of households dramatically reduced spending.1 High earners were the most likely to cut back. As a result, America’s savings rate soared from just under 10%, where it stagnated for the last two decades, to a record 33.7% in April 2020.2

For those who were not as prepared, the situation looked noticeably different. Nearly a third of Americans (30%) report that their financial situation is worse now than it was before the pandemic.3 Among them, half said that job loss was a major reason why. In addition, a majority are worse off when it comes to saving for retirement (73%) and emergencies (72%). In addition, 23% tapped into their retirement savings prematurely or stopped saving altogether during the COVID-19 pandemic, putting their future security in peril.4

Workers Felt the Impact Differently

The pandemic also impacted workers of different stripes. Many full-time W-2 employees who kept their jobs—especially white-collar workers—were able to transition to working from home when their offices closed. They may have felt little, if any, impact on their household finances.

Contract workers, on the other hand, suffered significant financial setbacks in terms of income, emergency savings, retirement savings and benefits. In fact, 53% of contractors were earning half or less of their pre-pandemic income vs. 14% of traditional workers.5 As a result, contract workers may need more help than traditional employees to improve their financial well-being during the pandemic recovery.

The impact of the financial fallout was also felt across income brackets. Both highly-compensated employees (HCEs)—those making $130,000 or more per year, or those with at least a 5% stake in a business—and non-highly compensated employees experienced retirement savings challenges due to layoffs, business disruptions and delayed or deferred plan contributions. As businesses cut costs to survive, highly-compensated employees might have missed out on employer contributions, such as top-heavy minimum contributions. For their part, non-highly compensated employees might have stopped retirement plan contributions due to job loss, wage cuts or the need to divert funds elsewhere for near-term needs.

Take a Solutions-Oriented Approach

No matter their current financial status, working Americans have a common goal: getting back on track with their retirement savings. To maximize the impact, employers must first understand the disparate nature of a K-shaped recovery. Employees at the top of the K, who tend to be more financially stable, are likely more ready, able and willing to increase their savings or start saving again. Conversely, those at the bottom of the K, who may have had extended periods of unemployment and financial hardship, likely need more help to get back on their feet so they can save for the future. Employers must consider both points of view when evaluating benefits programs.

 Employees who are more financially secure may value insights on:

·         Increasing net worth

·         Purchasing or renovating a home

·         Improving their retirement savings

·         Diversifying their portfolios

·         Capitalizing on market opportunities

·         Tapping their home equity

Those still experiencing or emerging from financial insecurity may require guidance and support around:

·         Budgeting

·         Job loss

·         Rebuilding, starting, or delaying retirement savings

·         Creating an emergency fund

·         Paying down debt

·         Managing healthcare costs

In a world irrevocably altered by the COVID-19 pandemic, employers must embrace innovation in the benefits they provide to support employee financial well-being. These benefits should extend beyond their retirement savings plan to include education and mentorship through financial wellness programs. Offering access to personalized financial guidance, along with practical and actionable tips to build savings and wealth, can go a long way to provide support where it’s needed most.

1 Royal, James. “Survey: Majority of Americans have cut their spending because of coronavirus concerns.” Bankrate. March 31, 2020.

2 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal Saving Rate [PSAVERT], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

3 Brown, Kathi S. “How Financial Experiences During the Pandemic Shape Future Outlook.” AARP Research. Updated May 2021.

4 Brown, Kathi S. “How Financial Experiences During the Pandemic Shape Future Outlook.” AARP Research. Updated May 2021.

5 Prudential. Flexible Workers: Impact of the Pandemic. Nov. 20, 2020.  



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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

You Can’t Talk About That at Work: Tackling Financial FAQs

Talking about money is tricky, especially at work. While it may seem too personal for work and easier to avoid the conversation, the effects can have a lasting effect on a company.

More and more forward-thinking employers are starting to overcome the stigma that surrounds talking finances at work. They are putting to rest their fear of overstepping boundaries because employees strongly value financial guidance at work. In fact, 87% of employees want help and nearly 9 out of 10 take advantage of financial wellness services when offered.1

Stress Impacting the Bottom Line

It is well documented that financial stress can cause a myriad of workplace complications. Stress can have a cascading effect; for example, 4 in 10 employees experience health issues or loss of sleep due to financial stress, which in turn leads to a $400 annual increase in healthcare costs per stressed employee.2

Stress also has a way of consuming productivity; 3 in 10 employees admit that financial stress has impacted their job performance, and they spend three to four hours a week at work dealing with their finances.3 That’s 150 hours of lost productivity per stressed employee per year. That’s a lot!

The Elephant in the Room

When companies are up against a complex problem like financial stress, how do they start attacking the problem? Well, like the saying goes, you have to eat the elephant one bite at a time, so financial guidance and education can be great ways to start combating the 5,000-pound problem.

One of the most important areas of concern for employees is retirement readiness, so employers need to emphasize communication around the topic.

Good employee communication is a must, especially letting them know there is no such thing as a “stupid” question. Emphasize that they shouldn’t be hesitant or embarrassed to ask the questions on their minds. Here are some questions employees might ask about saving, investing and planning for retirement.

Tackling Employee FAQs

Why save? First, to help you in the event of an emergency or for large-ticket items such as a house or car. It is also very important is to save for retirement if your goal is to be financially secure when you’re no longer working. You don’t want to depend on Social Security for your total retirement income.

When should I start saving for retirement? Now. The sooner the better. It’s easy to see retirement as something in the future and not an important event you need to start preparing for at an early age.

Additionally, if you don’t know how to start, what to invest in or understand the power of compound interest, you might feel like putting it off. Ask your 401(k) administrator if you don’t understand your plan.

What’s compound interest? Compound interest is interest paid not only on the money you’ve invested, but on the interest you’ve already earned. Because of compound interest, even small amounts become larger over time.

What’s an investment? An investment is a way of putting money aside so you can get a return on it. Investments are often thought of in terms of stocks and bonds. Your 401(k) plan has investments to put your contributions into, so take advantage of them.

What’s a stock? A stock is an investment that represents partial ownership of a company. Units of stock are called “shares”, which may pay interest and dividends to you as an owner. They’re traded on the stock market, where the price can fluctuate up and down.

What’s a bond? A bond is an investment where you lend money to a company (or a government); the borrower then pays interest until the bond matures at which time you should receive your money back.

Your 401(k) plan may have a variety of investments such as mutual funds, a type of investment in which many investors pool their money in securities like stocks, bonds, and money market instruments. It might also contain Target Date Funds, a type of investment, often consisting of mutual funds, structured to grow over a specific time frame and then become more conservative once that target date, usually at retirement, is reached. Like stocks, the value of mutual funds and target date funds can fluctuate.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Speaking with a financial advisor or joining a financial wellness education session can engage and assist employees in being more financially responsible, take better advantage of their 401(k) plan and be more “present” at work.

After all, 82% of employers subscribe to the belief that it is in their company’s best interest to help employees become more financially secure. Employees tend to agree: when employers demonstrate a commitment to their financial wellness, 60% of workers say they are more dedicated, loyal and productive at work.4 It’s a win-win situation for all!

Contact us to discuss common employees FAQs and ideas to reduce workplace financial stress that can elevate savings.

1 PwC. “PwC’s 10th Annual Employee Financial Wellness Survey.” 2021.

2 Prudential. “Wellness Programs Earn Their Place in Human Capital Strategy.” June 2019.

3 Prudential. “Wellness Programs Earn Their Place in Human Capital Strategy.” June 2019.

4 Prudential. “Wellness Programs Earn Their Place in Human Capital Strategy.” June 2019.



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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.

SEPs, MEPs and PEPs – Discover the Differences and Ideas for Your Workplace Retirement Plan

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Just ask anyone: Uncle Sam and the retirement industry love acronyms. Another was added in December 2020—PEP—which conveniently rhymes with MEP and SEP. The three plan types are 401(k) cousins1 meaning they share many fundamental similarities, and their main differences relate to the administrative models they use.

If you don’t speak fluent tax code or understand complex legal jargon, you are in the right place! We’re going to break down a few of the 401(k) abbreviations you may have heard about lately because once you know what the acronyms stand for, they really start to make sense.

What is a SEP?

A Single Employer Plan (SEP)2 is, as the name implies, sponsored by a single employer, including any controlled or affiliated group members. This is what most people think of when referencing a traditional 401(k) plan. A SEP is often the plan of choice for large, medium and small businesses as it can be easily customized to meet specific company needs. With a SEP, employers have total control over plan decisions and can work with a retirement plan specialist to help with fiduciary responsibilities.

What is a MEP?

A Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) is a retirement savings plan where multiple employers participate in a single plan. It is sponsored by one entity and adopted by one or more others, but here is the kicker: they need to share a common thread. Participating employers can’t be related tax-wise but they are often members of an association or professional employment organization. While there are various ways to set up a Multiple Employer Plan, to keep it simple, when we use the MEP acronym in this article, we are referring to a closed MEP. Member companies of a closed MEP are not required to file an individual 5500 report, undergo an annual plan audit and acquire individual ERISA bond protection.

What is a PEP?

A Pooled Employer Plan (PEP) is a pooled retirement plan, a type of Multiple Employer Plan that allows two or more unrelated employers to participate in a single plan. It’s the new kid on the block, created by the SECURE Act of 2020 with an effective date of January 1, 2021. A PEP is offered by a group of employers who outsource all administration to yet another acronym—a PPP, or Pooled Plan Provider—a 3(16) fiduciary who establishes and administers the PEP.

The PPP is an important part of the PEP and has three fundamental models:3

  • PPP is a TPA or advisor with no service provider affiliates or proprietary funds in a completely unbundled and unconflicted situation.

  • PPP selects either affiliates as service providers or proprietary funds in a partially bundled solution.

  • PPP uses affiliates and proprietary funds in a fully bundled approach.

How Do They Stack Up?

As with any solution, there are advantages and disadvantages; the same is true for selecting a type of 401(k) plan. There are so many variable options with each plan type, so here are a few key points to consider:

Customization: SEPs offer the highest level of customization as each employer can build a plan to meet their specific goals. By contrast, MEPs and PEPs are built with the best interests of many in mind so individual employers may be limited on the elements they can customize.

Time Commitment: One of the key benefits associated with MEPs and PEPs is the ability to outsource administrative duties. This same sentiment is true within a SEP when you select specialized service providers committed to taking on fiduciary duties.

Responsibility: No matter what, if you offer a retirement plan to your employees, you will carry some level of fiduciary responsibility. All 401(k) plans allow you to offload plan operations and investment decisions to a 3(16) Plan Administrator and a 3(38) Discretionary Advisor; the main difference with MEPs and PEPs is that both are determined by the plan; whereas, with a SEP, you have the ability to select all service providers.

Tenure: SEPs and MEPs have been around for a long time and are known entities. PEPs are still fresh out of the box and their effectiveness has yet to be determined.

 Have questions? Call us today or schedule a virtual conversation to discuss which plan type could be best for your business.

1. A MEP can also be a defined benefit plan.

2. SEP can also refer to a Simplified Employer Plan, an IRA-based plan for self-employed individuals or small business owners with a few employees.

3 Moore, Rebecca. “The PEP Opportunity.” Plansponsor.com. September 2, 2020.

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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information has been developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance regarding your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

2022 Deadline Nears: Now is the Perfect Time to Review Your Retirement Plan Design

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For the millions of business owners that offer a workplace retirement plan, the COVID-19 pandemic created many financial difficulties.

However, as the economic climate improves, there is an opportunity for employers to refresh their company’s retirement plan. With an important plan document restatement deadline happening in 2022, there’s never been a better time for employers to reevaluate their current plan design and, if necessary, add or update features that align with their business objectives and retirement plan goals.

Cycle 3 Deadline is Next Year

 Vanguard. “Revisiting the CARES Act and its impact on retirement savings.” January 2021.Every six years, the IRS requires business owners to restate their pre-approved qualified retirement plan documents to ensure they are up-to-date and compliant with current regulatory and/or legislative changes. A restatement means the plan document must be completely rewritten to reflect mandatory regulatory changes, as well as any voluntary changes made to the plan since the last update. But don’t worry, this is very normal and nothing to fear.

The latest restatement cycle for these plans began on August 1, 2020 and will close on July 31, 2022. It’s known as “Cycle 3,” since it’s the third restatement period required under the pre-approved retirement plan program.

Since the last restatement period that ended in April 2016, there have been several legislative and regulatory changes that impact retirement plans. However, this restatement period doesn’t include regulations introduced in the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. They must be addressed in separate, good faith amendments.

Restatement is mandatory. Plans that haven’t complied by the deadline could face penalties from the IRS. Even newly established or terminating plans need to restate their plan documents.

The restatement period provides employers with an opportunity to enhance their existing retirement plans — especially in light of the pandemic. Updating the plan’s design now could better position business owners, employees and companies for the future.

Plan Design Updates to Consider

 Like many employers, you may be looking for ways to prepare your employees more effectively for retirement by increasing focus on plan design, investment performance and financial wellness. With these motivations top of mind, here are some plan design features worthy of consideration:

  1. Automatic savings features: Adding auto-features like auto-enrollment and auto- escalation may improve plan participation and increase savings rates.

Auto-enrollment enables employers to automatically enroll new hires into the retirement plan. To help maximize savings and improve outcomes, employers may want to consider enrolling new employees at a higher deferral rate, such as 6%, rather than the standard 3%. Under the SECURE Act, employers that implement auto- enrollment can also receive a tax credit. Additionally, employees can always opt out if they don’t want to participate.

With auto-escalation, employees’ contributions are automatically increased every year. For example, employers can increase deferral rates by 1% each year up to a maximum of 15% of pay.

2. Matching contributions: Employers experiencing budgetary constraints may consider altering the match rather than terminating it. Instead of matching 100% of a 3% employee contribution, the employer could stretch the match, such as 25% match on a 12% contribution. It costs the same but may encourage higher savings rates since employees must increase deferrals to get the full match.

 3.  The investment menu: After the market volatility that dominated 2020, employers might consider reassessing the plan’s fund lineup. Reviewing the investment menu and streamlining options may help to improve diversification and returns.

 4.  Personalized solutions: Workers value personalized, professional retirement planning education. With personalized income solutions and investment advice more widely available, these options may be worth a conversation.

 5.  Financial wellness and emergency savings programs: The pandemic was a harsh reminder that many Americans are unprepared for a financial emergency. Financial wellness and emergency savings account (ESA) benefits can support employees as they get their finances back on track and may encourage them to save so they can better weather the next inevitable storm.

 The pandemic presented unprecedented challenges for employers that offer retirement plan benefits. With the future looking brighter and the Cycle 3 restatement deadline around the corner, now is the optimal time for business owners to review, and if necessary, update their plan design to confirm it aligns with your company’s goals and cash flow obligations.

Contact Information:

CURTIS S. FARRELL, CFP®, AIF® 949.455.0300 x222 cfarrell@fmncc.com
Aran Sahagun 949.455.0300x210 asahagun@fmncc.com

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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information has been developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance regarding your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

CARES Act Aftermath: What Plan Sponsors Need to Do

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Pandemic Relief May Bring Administrative Pain to Plan Administrators

The CARES Act gave plan participants quick access to funds during the COVID crisis, although only about 6% of participants took advantage of the options offered.1 However, as a plan sponsor you must understand your own obligations and how to keep your plan in good standing.

In most cases, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act did not change administrative procedures; however, it did raise a few compliance questions. With the subtle complexities involved, it is a best practice for plan sponsors to stay in close communication with their trusted administrator and, if necessary, ERISA counsel.

Coronavirus-Related Distributions

 The CARES Act allowed qualified individuals to receive a “coronavirus-related distribution” (“CRD”) in the year 2020. Generally speaking, to qualify, a person or their spouse must have been economically affected by, or diagnosed with, COVID-19.

What the CARES Act changed:

  • Withdrawing up to $100,000 from their retirement plans and/or IRAs.

  • Waiving the 10% excise tax for early distributions (pre-age 59 1/2).

  • Allowing recipients to be taxed on the distribution over three years.

  • Recontributing the amount received to the distributing plan or IRA or to another plan or IRA within three years after the date the distribution was received.

 A few questions raised:

1.       Is a plan required to accept a recontribution of a CRD?

No. While CRD repayments are considered rollovers, a plan is not required to accept them. If the plan does not accept rollovers, it does not have to be changed to accept rollovers or recontributions. A plan that does accept rollovers should review the recontribution of a CRD under the same procedures that apply to any other rollover contribution.

2.       Is a recontribution of a CRD a rollover?

Yes. A plan administrator accepting a recontribution of a CRD must reasonably conclude that the recontribution is eligible for rollover treatment.

Even if a plan did not make CRDs available, qualified individuals who received distributions under existing plan provisions, either as in-service withdrawals or termination distributions, can designate those distributions as CRDs. This could, for example, make a hardship withdrawal eligible for recontribution.

Participants who received distributions may be informed of their ability to repay CRDs if they find they didn’t need the entire amount they withdrew.

3.     How do recontributions of a CRD impact the amount already reported as taxable income?

Individuals may report one-third of the CRD amount as taxable income in each of three years, beginning with 2020. Alternatively, individuals may report the entire amount as taxable income on their 2020 tax returns and pay the associated taxes. However, the participant’s tax reporting is irrelevant from a plan perspective.

An individual may recontribute all or any portion of the CRD as a rollover to a plan or IRA within three years of receipt and avoid taxation on that amount. Any participant is responsible for obtaining his or her own tax advice.

Coronavirus-Related Loans

 What the CARES Act changed:

  • Limits increased. The CARES Act increased the $50,000 limit on loans to $100,000 and the cap of 50% of the borrower’s vested balance to 100% for loans from defined contribution plans for qualified individuals made from March 27, 2020 through September 22, 2020.

  • Repayments delayed. Qualified individuals could elect to defer repayments on their plan loans that would occur from March 27 through December 31, 2020 for up to one year. Repayments for such a loan are adjusted to reflect the delayed due date and any accrued interest during the delay when they resume. The delay period is ignored in determining the five-year maximum period for a plan loan.


A few questions raised:

  1. Must plan administrators provide notice to current employees who have outstanding loans that changed?

    Qualified individuals who suspended loan repayments should have been notified that repayments resumed and that their loan was re-amortized for the remaining period of the loan to account for the accrued interest during the suspension period.

  2. How will a loan “rolled in” from a prior employers’ plan by a new employee impact the plan?

    Nothing changes. If a plan accepts rollovers of loans from other plans, the plan’s existing procedural rules still apply.

  3. What happens to the loans of newly exited employees?

    Nothing changes. Most plans do not permit former employees to take plan loans and require repayment of loans upon employment termination. These plans are not required to change. If a plan permits terminated employees to continue to repay outstanding loans, normal procedures apply.

  4. Should special guidance be given to employees who took a CARES Act loan and are about to retire?

    No special notice is required, and normal loan procedures will apply. If a CARES Act loan has been taken, it is still a plan loan and normal disclosures will suffice.

 Minimum Required Distributions

 What the CARES Act changed:

  • For 2020, all minimum required distributions were suspended.

A few questions raised:

  1. Was this required?

Most administrators suspended these payments, but the plan sponsor had discretion as to whether to implement the suspension. Payments for 2021 are required to be paid by December 31, 2021 (or April 1, 2022 for initial required distributions for 2021).

 What Else Should I Know?

One other thing to keep in mind is to speak with your plan administrator because plan amendments for the CARES Act provisions implemented are required by the end of the 2022 plan year (the 2024 plan year for governmental plans).

 While we look towards recovery, a lot of has changed, but most has stayed the same. Hopefully, these detailed particulars were helpful as you oversee your company’s retirement plan. As you know, managing a retirement plan is no walk in the park, so when you have questions and would like to discuss in more detail, we are always here to help.

1 Vanguard. “Revisiting the CARES Act and its impact on retirement savings.” January 2021.1Vanguard. “Revisiting the CARES Act and its impact on retirement savings.” January 2021.

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Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information has been developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance regarding your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

Stop Retirement Savings Setbacks

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The global pandemic has had a staggering effect on the economic lives of millions, driving them to actions that could have long-lasting effects on their retirement savings.

Facing unprecedented strain caused by the COVID-19 crisis, individuals who lack adequate emergency savings are turning to retirement plans to address their financial shortfalls.

Additionally, hardship withdrawals have been made easier by the passage of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Act expanded distribution options, offered favorable tax treatment for coronavirus-related distributions from eligible retirement plans and relaxed payback options for those who met specific criteria.1

 A reported six percent of retirement plan holders took advantage of at least one CARES Act provision offered by the plan. Of these withdrawals, 21% took the maximum amount allowed under the Act ($100,000 or 100% of the vested balance).2

Plan leakage consequences

Overall, retirement plan leakage - which includes in-service withdrawals, cash-outs at job change and loans - can create savings repercussions and even a delay in retirement, even if the amounts are paid back.

 In a single year, Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) reported that $92.4 billion was lost due to leakage from cash-outs.3 This is a serious problem as it can reduce aggregate 401(k)/IRA wealth at retirement. Essentially, money withdrawn early loses its potential for growth and interest accumulation, hindering its ability to produce adequate income replacement in retirement.

 For those who still consider tapping into their retirement plan savings, they may be doing so as a result of a lack of emergency savings, something that is increasingly prevalent, according to a recent Bankrate study.4

●       In 2020, about three times as many Americans report having less emergency savings now than before, compared to those reporting more savings.

●       Approximately 21% of Americans say they have no emergency savings, the lowest rate in the 10- year history of the Bankrate poll.


These staggering facts point to the importance of having a robust financial wellness program in the workplace and by placing special emphasis on maintaining an emergency savings account, which employers can offer via payroll deduction.

Curbing savings damage

Separating emergency or “rainy day” savings and retirement savings accounts can have a practical impact, too. It can reduce the urge to give in to short-term wants and separate long-run retirement savings needs.5

Participants should be aware of these financial factors when making retirement plan withdrawals:6

●      Repayments to a retirement plan are made with after-tax dollars that will, in turn, be taxed again when they eventually withdraw them from an account.

●      The fees paid to arrange a retirement plan loan may be higher than a conventional loan, depending on how they are calculated.

●      The interest is not tax deductible, even if you use the money to buy or renovate a home.

Benefits of financial education

Employers should work with retirement plan advisors to find ways to educate participants in today’s remote work environments; for example, an employer could host a virtual employee education meeting.

In these volatile economic times, it’s especially relevant to cover important topics that may help participants maintain a healthy retirement savings strategy including:

●       Maintaining retirement plan contributions and not being influenced by market activity.

●       Reviewing historical market trends on downturns and recoveries.

●       Resisting plan withdrawals by looking at alternative sources such as home-equity loans or refinancing to take advantage of low-interest mortgage rates, personal lines-of-credit or even borrowing from a family member.

Despite the uncertainty brought on by the pandemic, employers can utilize key resources and get help from their plan advisors toward ensuring employees make sound retirement savings decisions today, and in the future.

1 Internal Revenue Service “Coronavirus-related relief for retirement plans and IRAs questions and answers.” irs.gov. March 2020.

2 T. Rowe Price. “How the coronavirus is affecting retirement saving.” Sept. 2020.

3 Employee Benefit Research Institute. “The Impact of Auto Portability on Preserving Retirement Savings Currently Lost to 401(k) Cashout Leakage.” Aug 2019.

4 Bankrate. “Survey: Nearly 3 times as many Americans say they have less emergency savings versus more since pandemic.” Aug. 2020.

5Harvard Business School. “Building Emergency Savings Through Employer-Sponsored Rainy-Day Savings Accounts.” Nov. 2019

6 FINRA. “401(k) Loans, Hardship Withdrawals and Other Important Considerations.” 2020.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information has been developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance regarding your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

Normalizing Retirement Savings Habits

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Many American workers struggled financially before the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that this crisis could greatly hinder their ability to reach their retirement income goals.

Indeed, more than three-quarters of employees (77%) say they have been concerned about their financial well-being since the COVID-19 outbreak1 and 82% will rely on their workplace retirement plan as a primary income source in their post-working years. That is, if they can get there — four in five employees expect to continue working for pay after “retiring.”2

In addition, many simply can’t afford to retire; the median household retirement savings is just $50,000.3 That’s nowhere near the 60-80% replacement income financial experts say most people need to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living.

What does all this say about retirement readiness in America? More importantly, what does it indicate about the effectiveness of workplace retirement plans?

The data above clearly demonstrates that for far too long, and far too many Americans, reaching a successful replacement retirement income has been the exception, not the norm. So, it stands to reason that employers must reimagine the function of their company’s retirement plan to help “normalize” saving for the future.

 Employers should evaluate their plan’s value through the lens of helping more employees retire on time and with dignity. That means getting employees to recognize that saving for retirement isn't “optional” if they want to stop working someday. It also means providing them with the right tools to help them save enough to replace their income for 10, 20, 30 or more years.

The case for automatic features

How can employers more effectively help employees build adequate retirement savings? It isn’t complicated.

 Employers have a ready-made tool in their arsenal that vastly simplifies retirement savings: automatic plan design features. These include auto enrollment, auto escalation and auto- diversification through qualified default investments, such as target date funds.

Auto features have become a best practice in retirement plan design to help improve employee participation and savings rates. In fact, two-thirds of employers who have adopted auto features have experienced a direct benefit to plan outcomes.4

Is it better for employers to use auto features to help employees make sound financial decisions for the future? The short answer is yes. Let us show you how.

Help your employees start

With automatic enrollment, employees are enrolled into the plan without needing to take any action —unless they opt out. One obvious benefit of automatic enrollment is that it drives higher participation rates; in fact, plans with this feature have an average participation rate of 87%.5

 In most cases, employees are enrolled at a default deferral rate between 3-6%6, and their contributions are directed to a diversified qualified default investment alternative, such as a target date fund.

Help them save more

In addition, employers can use auto escalation, another plan design feature, to help improve employees’ savings rates over time. The typical default increase is 1% per year. While automatic enrollment improves savings rates, adding auto escalation boosts the impact.

 In plans with neither automatic enrollment nor auto escalation, only 44% have savings rates above 10% (including both employee deferrals and employer matching contributions). In plans that implement automatic enrollment only, the percentage of participants with savings rates above 10% increases to 67%. However, where plan sponsors have implemented both automatic enrollment and auto escalation, that percentage rises to 70%.7

Help them diversify

Finally, auto-diversification rounds out the auto feature trifecta. Often, this looks like automatically investing participant contributions into a qualified default investment alternative (QDIA) like a target date fund (TDF) or managed account.

 This typically occurs when a participant has not made an investment election on their own. Automatically directing contributions to a target date fund or similar investment that is appropriately diversified for a participants’ age and stage of life enables them to appropriately invest for retirement, even though they haven’t actively selected their own investments.

 Most TDFs also have an automatic rebalancing feature, so the participant’s portfolio remains properly invested based on their anticipated retirement date, regardless of market performance.

Plan effectiveness is measured by outcomes

Automatic features are a helpful plan design tool that employers can implement to assist employees in getting on track toward having the income they need to retire in comfort. In addition, it’s important for employers to evaluate their plan’s effectiveness based on retirement readiness — because outcomes are what truly matter.

Once auto features are in place, employers should also pay careful attention to plan health metrics, such as projected monthly income (PMI) - an illustration of a participant’s estimated monthly income stream in retirement based on their current savings. Participants with low PMIs may be at greater risk of not adequately replacing their income in retirement.

Another metric, the income replacement ratio (IRR), provides a glimpse of retirement readiness based on a specific income replacement percentage, such as 70%, using current and projected savings. Participants with low IRRs may be at greater risk of running out of money in retirement.

Understanding these metrics and the positive impact of auto features can help you evaluate your participants’ retirement readiness — and your plan’s effectiveness. With these insights, you can intelligently architect your plan to “normalize” retirement savings and help your employees work towards successfully achieving their retirement goals.

1 National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)/Harris Poll Survey. April 2020.

2 Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI). “2019 Retirement Confidence Survey.” April 2019.

3 Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. “19th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey: A Compendium of Findings About U.S. Workers.” December 2019.

4 DCIIA. Plan Sponsor Survey, 5th edition. April 2020.

5 Alight. 2020 Universe Benchmarks Report. June 2020.

6 Correia, Margarida. “PSCA: 401(k) participants hike deferral rates again.” Pensions & Investments. Dec. 18, 2019.

7 DCIIA Fourth Biennial Plan Sponsor Survey “Auto Features Continue to Grow in Popularity.” December 2017.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


 Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information has been developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance regarding your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.

5 Reasons to Rethink Financial Wellness

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Employees are worried about their finances. They worry about them in the evenings, on weekends and during working hours. Plus, with the increased stress caused by the pandemic, it’s no secret your workforce could use some help.

More than meets the eye

Many employees struggle with cash for emergencies. In a recent 2020 study, they found that 47% of respondents had difficulty finding $250 for emergencies1 and had to resort to credit instead. While millennials are saddled with loan debt, members of the "sandwich generation" are burdened with dividing their limited resources between themselves, their children and their parents, while still trying to prepare for their own retirement.

Each employee demographic is struggling with their own financial challenges, which is why a dynamic financial wellness program needs to span the generations and provide potential solutions for each unique situation.

How can employers help?

Oftentimes, one of the major problems is a lack of access to financial literacy resources. It’s a problem that employers can help solve by providing financial wellness programs for their employees. Here are five advantages of a financial wellness program:

1.      Engagement. Are your employees going through the motions or are they creating and sticking to their financial plans? Financial worries can increase employee stress which leads to distraction at work. It has been shown that offering a financial wellness program breeds loyalty and focus. Six in 10 workers say they are more committed to their employer and more productive at work when they have a financial wellness program.2

2.      Lower health care costs. Financially unhealthy, stressed employees frequently have higher health care costs. Financially stressed employees may increase corporate health care budgets, as their health care costs run 46% higher than non-stressed employees.3 Lowering overall health care expenses tend to lead to lower employer costs.

3.      Fewer incidents of “presenteeism.” “Presenteeism” is a term that describes lost productivity by employees who are physically present, but not working. They are distracted by outside work stressors. This stagnant time costs employers in lost wages, lost productivity and reduced job performance.

4.      Retention and attraction. As stated, employees say financial wellness programs demonstrate that their employers care about them, encouraging commitment to the company. Losing employees costs money in recruitment efforts and the training of new hires. Turnover can cost employers 120-200% of the salary of the positions affected.4 The presence of this program in your employee benefits package may also help attract new talent.

5.      Retirement saving. Employees who have their budgets and debts under control are much more likely to save via their 401(k) plan and increase their contributions as their financial situation improves. These employees are also less likely to take a loan from their 401(k) plan.

Becoming an employer of choice

Joining the employers that offer a financial wellness program can help you demonstrate your understanding that happy, healthy employees are vital for a highly productive company. But keep in mind, helping your employees become financially healthy is a little more complex than it might seem at first glance.

Here are three tips for increasing employee financial literacy:

·        Choose resources relevant to your specific workforce. What works for the millennials may not work for baby boomers.

·        Ask your employees. Priorities often differ between genders, age groups, married, single, families, lifestyle, homeowners, renters and so on. Send out an anonymous poll with targeted questions to better understand your employees and what resources they need to confront their financial challenges.

·        Learn the boundaries. Employees want their employers to provide and facilitate the program but don’t want them to be overly involved in their personal lives. Set clear expectations and firm boundaries to help prevent overstepping from work life into personal space.

The ultimate goal is financial well-being. It’s not enough for employees to learn about what constitutes financial well-being; they must put it into action to achieve success.

Having a financial wellness program can benefit your employees in the form of improved employee morale and boost their productivity at the same time. It’s a win-win situation for all.

C. J. Marwitz. “Employee Financial Wellness: Looking Ahead to 2021.” BenefitsPro. December 4, 2020.

 2 Prudential. “Wellness Programs Earn Their Place in Human Capital Strategy.” June 2019.

Jane Clark. “Offering financial wellness education could improve employee productivity.” January 29, 2019.

 4 Umass Lowell. “Financial Costs of Job Stress.” 2019..



Investment advisory services are offered by Financial Management Network, Inc. (“FMN”) and securities offered through FMN Capital Corporation, (“FMNCC”), member FINRA & SIPC.

This information has been developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance regarding your specific situation.

© 401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent.